What's New?
Quite a bit actually, Here I am working to my liking and trying to have fun on Second Life Of which I am, but what's most humbling and appreciated is when others take an interests in the film projects/work I present. Enough so to want to collaborate or work with me some how. The creativity presented in my last two projects caught the interests of two designers who in turn connected me with two others.
I am currently being sponsored by Zens Creations, Swallow (Dies), KC/Kouture (Shoe Heaven, and Eternal Sexy Shop (A touch of BDSM Toys) Yay!!. Grateful to have them aboard and show them how committed I am to my projects. In turn they will be allowing me the use of their designs as needed given the projects I'm working on.
On another note I've currently added an Upclose and Personals to my blog, for all Models/Porn Stars or interested parties who wish to present themselves and help with keeping me up to date with who's in the scene. This basically entails a picture/several pics taken by the photographers working with me along with a write up introduction piece i'll be doing myself. This helps not only myself but other directors in choosing who they may find suitable for their projects. Have a portfolio write up already? no problem just submitted and i'll use it in your upclose and personal. I have 2 great staff members currently working with me. So if you have any interests in film projects or photo shoots please get to Rachel Avro or myself and we'll have you set up. All that is required is that you have a mesh shape.(Need I say this at this point?). Sadly default avatars are obsolete and one has to stay up with the times.
My Staff Photographers will SOLELY WORK with mesh avatars.
(no gender discrimination on my end all accepted _Male-Female-Gay-Lesbian-Tgirl-however you define yourself)
Rachel Avro has taken upon scouting for new actors/models and veteran pornstars.
Now it took some convincing and negotiations to get this next Photographer but i'm elated to have him aboard with Rachel and I. Well yeah lots of convincing but I aim to get what I want BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY, lol. He enjoys my creativity and while not really in the "porn scene" itself can appreciate the delicious treats/images that are displayed around. Secondly, he like plenty of others presents excellent photo work on flicker. I speak of no other than the talented Dusty Pedroia (ladies he's taken). Dusty will be doing single 1/3 shots of models for my Upclose and Personal Page. Again anyone interested in being used for filming.being well known or just beginning need to contact me directly and i'll set it up for you. (Not Dusty Directly as we've negotiated to work exclusively) You definitely want your picture taken by himself or Rachel.. Not to mention it's being done free as a courtesy and result of being part of my Peaches and Cream Production Blog.
Last but not least I'm adding Video Portfolio to my page. The video portfolios basically entail yourself in Formal Wear, Casual, Swimwear, and nudity along with the listed credits of your current work on flicker/films. I'll be using 2 models as samples which will be presented soon. The video Portfolios are not free naturally because i like to have one look their bests behind the screen and that does take work. Videos will be uploaded and released a week from being captured. Interested parties can contact me In-world for logistics/pricing. Although I may very well pull a nice card and select some of you for a free one.
I have two projects i'm about to lay my hands on. One with my friend Isa Cheviot of Dogstar Production and a Piece i've worked on with an imaginative writer. Stay Tuned.
Well done,Alex..splendid news xx