Friday, October 28, 2016

Up Close & Personal-Rachel Swallows-Classy & Wicked

You're only given a little spark of madness. You mustn't lose it. Robin Williams
Photo Courtesy of Staff Photographer Dustin Pedroia

I just had to snatch this Wicked Vixen up for an interview. This Photographer, Model, Builder, Designer,  and Porn Star has what it takes to enter your computer and have you jizzing with her Salacious flickr pics. But her talents go far beyond just that. I've haven't seen as such a wicked imagination out there as she's expressed. Being oh so busy,  I had to come up with a plan to capture her for an interview. So I started thinking wickedly. I had my staff interview Monique Lefry join me in sneaking into her bedroom, tying her up in cuffs to her four post bed with dildo in hand, just to make sure we get what we want out of her. lol.  Here's what Rachel shared.

Monique LeFry: What brought you to Second Life?

Rachel Swallows (elenamicheals.core): Boredom hehe. My husband was working nights and my kids were little, i stumbled on it after playing another game that was like a basic Second Life.

Monique LeFry: Idle hands and all that? Well, I guess Second Life was much more interesting than the other one since you stayed! Thankfully for all of us.

Monique LeFry: How long have you been in the "Porn Industry"?

Rachel Swallows (elenamicheals.core):  Must be going on 5 yrs now.

Monique LeFry: And still here. My you are one strong woman.

Monique LeFry: In addition to Porn, you have your own store, please tell us about it, how you got started?

Photo Courtesy of Rachel Swallow: Candy Sugar Skull

Rachel Swallows (elenamicheals.core):  Well I've always enjoyed building and making stuff, I used to build motorbikes before mesh came in and houses and stuff. Then i moved onto making tattoos and clothes. 

Monique LeFry: So I guess you started off loving to ride.... motorbikes. Yes, bikes. Must have been a pretty interesting transition from bikes and buildings to tattoos and clothes (and *cough* *cough* cum appliers *cough*)

Monique LeFry: What has been you most successful item and why do you think that is? 

Rachel Swallows (elenamicheals.core): My best seller is my cum appliers. I first make them when the first mesh breasts came out, the Tangos, i was looking for some BDSM markings as I am a role-player and realized there was a gap in the market and i went and filled it, I have updated them every time something new came out body wise and they keep me in sl very happily.

Monique LeFry: Oh you make cum appliers? I didn't knooooow.... >_>  But we are so glad that you filled that gap in the market with cum (appliers). But in all seriousness, congratulations on finding such success, that allows you the freedom to pursue your other interests and be happy. The house that cum built XD. 

Monique LeFry: You also have your own club and party venue, what made you decide to set that up? 

Photo Courtesy of Rachel Swallow

Rachel Swallows (elenamicheals.core): The build itself started out as a gallery to show the new graffiti art I have been doing of people, then it was suggested I use it as a club, so .. there it is. lol.

Monique LeFry: The person that suggested it to be a party venue is truly brilliant. I am sure they are 
also really sexy. And the graffiti art is a really great addition to the erotic art for the community, 
highlighting the community. 

Monique LeFry: What do you enjoy most about having a venue? 

Rachel Swallows (elenamicheals.core): Honestly! I get very stressed about it haha, so once a week is fine by me, but I like seeing people enjoying themselves in something i have created.

Monique LeFry:  It must be really gratifying to see everyone have fun in the venue that you built. It 
really is a great and unique space. Anyone out there that hasn't attended a party there yet: 

1) Shame on you... unless you are not European then we understand XD; 
2) Get out to the next one and party among the street art and sexah bodies!

Monique LeFry: Any other ventures we haven't addressed yet? 

Rachel Swallows (elenamicheals.core): At the moment just really doing my own thing, making stuff for the store and my photography, i always have wild plans, but nothing i'm working on at the moment. 

Monique LeFry: Oh I see that for the lie it is. I know you have something cooking, you are just being coy. ;-)

Monique LeFry: You are also very open about (some of?) the alts that you have. What was the motivation for the alts? 

Rachel Swallows (elenamicheals.core): Oh god not even sure i can remember the chain of events now of me making them, I've had most of them a long time. I lost my first avi on sl, i made Rachel, original name Elenamicheals Core when me and my boyfriend at the time were into a series of books about werewolves and Elena was named after one of the characters, so we role-played as werewolves hehe. I made Falcon to play in Gor with another boyfriend, she ended up my main for a long time, then I used Rachel to run my business, then the business got so busy that Rachel became my main avi. Robin was made because I wanted a boy to dress up and play with hehe, my ken doll.  I  have other alts, but hardly use them, I just keep them up to date with bodies and such and sometimes use them as models.

Monique LeFry: Holy..... see. I found mesh so soon after being born, people assumed I must be an alt. I don't THINK I am one of your alts. I think I am my own person. It would be weird otherwise, especially since Robin I think has a thing for me. o.O

Photo Courtesy of Staff Photographer Dustin Pedroia

Monique LeFry: Where do you typically find inspiration for your photos? 

Rachel Swallows (elenamicheals.core): Sometimes just weird things pop in my head, no explanation, other times just browsing on google. Sometimes its a particular item of clothing i have bought or accessory.

Monique LeFry: I have been lucky enough to model for you once or twice, and I am pretty sure none of those have been one of those "well this is weird but will make a great pic" Eureka moments.

Monique LeFry: How did you learn to take photos or make movies? 

Rachel Swallows (elenamicheals.core): I have tried making movies, but i am not very technical and also I am so picky, the animations drive me crazy and i cant adjust them like i do for photos. As for how I learned to do pics, just practice really, trying different things, experimenting, still learning!

Monique LeFry:  Always still learning. I think all the best photographers are never satisfied. Even the crappy photographers that desperately want to be good like me.... ^_^

Monique LeFry: What would you say your top 3 favorite photos are that you made? (links please if you have them). 

Photo Courtesy of Rachel Swallow

Rachel Swallows (elenamicheals.core): Oh god i have over 8,000 photos on my flickr, very hard to pick 3 lol. I can pick from the last month, that would be easier hehe. Very recent one, 

I have just bought the Belleza Freya body for a change from my Maitreya and slink and I love it 

I love doing black and white photos like this

I also love doing landscapes and working on my land.

Monique LeFry: Oh I love all three, but I do have to say that I have a soft spot for B&W photos. That landscape one is really gorgeous too. 

Monique LeFry: Have you accomplished everything you have set out to do as a photographer/producer? If not, what else are you looking to achieve? 

Rachel Swallows (elenamicheals.core): Oh I don't think you ever stop learning, I still try and learn new techniques on Photoshop, so i just want to keep on getting better.

Monique LeFry: Once you have learned everything there is to learn in Photoshop, can you learn it all in Gimp then teach me? XD

Monique LeFry: What major hurdle, if any, have you overcome to succeed? 

Rachel Swallows (elenamicheals.core): You know I've been pretty lucky on SL, most people I have met have been lovely and very supportive, so I would say there has been no hurdle that I wasn't strong enough to climb over though sometimes I needed a leg up from my friends. 

Monique LeFry: The doesn't sound so much a hurdle as a.... [SEXUAL INTERLUDE!!!!]

Photo Courtesy of Rachel Swallow

Monique LeFry: If you had an opportunity to work with an SL Porn Star, who would it be (Please list as many folks as you like)? 

Rachel Swallows (elenamicheals.core): Oh gosh I have worked with most people, I count most of the group as friends and I hope they feel the same about me, I couldn't pin it down to one person or even a few. I've used lots of people as models, some have returned the favor, some haven't, but I am sure they will get around to it one day lol

Monique LeFry: I can't possibly imagine a model not returning the favor. If -I- were to model for you, I would certainly get you into a photo as fast as...... fuck. When are you free for a photo?  -.-

Monique LeFry: What is the most important attribute in a model/actress that makes you want to work with them again? 

Rachel Swallows (elenamicheals.core): Being good fun and patient.

Monique LeFry: What have you learned being behind the scenes/camera as a photographer or Director ? What has that been like for you? 

Rachel Swallows (elenamicheals.core):  I've always enjoyed modeling and seeing myself as someone else see me in their picks, it would be nice to be asked to model more often, but I've been told i'm intimidating, i cant imagine why, its not like I am the best photographer in second life, far from it and I think I am nice lol. So if you want me to model just ask! As for what I have learned, a little patience goes a long way lol.

Monique LeFry: hahaha, you ARE nice. Believe it! Also believe that you are a really good photographer! But yes, I would certainly love to see you in more photos as well.

Photo Courtesy of Rachel Swallow

Monique LeFry: There is a sense that roles for models, and particularly actors are limited currently. Do you often use people you haven't before? What one thing would help a new model/actor break into your work?

Rachel Swallows (elenamicheals.core):  I am always using people I haven't used before, I often put out casting calls. I had to photograph people I didn't know all the time when I had Busted so I don't believe I am unapproachable, but as for working with me, I get people asking every day, so it's not the best way to approach me, I usually have projects lined up weeks in advance, and it takes me time and effort to build sets, source furniture and outfits etc, so its really not off the cuff being in one of my larger shoots. Best way to work with me is to answer those casting calls that I do when inspiration strikes and I need someone there and then, or ask me to model for you, get to know me. Worst way to approach me is being sleazy and I.M.-ing me that you want to fuck me when you don't know me, boy or girl, and then say you would love to model for me, that will soooo not get you an invite lol. 

Monique LeFry: I sense that the sleazy approach has happened more than once. XD I truly don't understand why people think approaching right out of the gate with humpty-hump is a good idea. Then awww, that didn't work, wonder if I could model for you to assuage my sense of rejection? smh.

Monique LeFry: The business in itself can be a bit cut-throat for some folks. How has your experience been in getting to know others in the industry?

Rachel Swallows (elenamicheals.core): I did not find it hard, but I came into the business having already done lots of sex pics and having a flickr before I even knew there was such a thing as porn groups. I like to think I have always been open and friendly and I have never worried about being asked to model, if people asked me that was nice, but I have never got my knickers in a twist or stressed about being a *name*, it just kinda happened lol, it was not something I planned. 

Monique LeFry:  sooooo, lot's of sex pics before knowing about the porn groups, eh? Sounds a bit like a Paris Hilton moment or something. ;-)

Monique LeFry: Do you feel like you constantly want to smack the $hit out of some of the people in the business or do you find you get along with most of them? 

Rachel Swallows (elenamicheals.core): Hhahahaha omg, talk straight why don't you! I am a moderator for The Sexiest Group, now that can drive you to edge of insanity and make you want to smack the shit out of people, but I have to keep a level head and try and keep the peace, I think most people respect that and the other mods. Otherwise, na, I just do my own thing, I really do not worry about others, the groups on the whole are full of really really nice people and I have made some of the best friends I have in sl within them.

Monique LeFry: I WILL confess that this question, though not of my own making, really has to be asked on every interview. You do a damn good job in your moderator role, which I know can be a really thankless job. But as a group member, I can tell you that it IS appreciated. And you do a great job at being level-headed when we all know that you DO really want to do some upside-the-head smacking.

Photo Courtesy of Rachel Swallow

Monique LeFry: How long were you working before you felt comfortable behind  or in front of the camera? 

Rachel Swallows (elenamicheals.core): Haha I've always been confident and a show off, so been taking pics and posing since the day I found out you could.

Monique LeFry: Are you stimulated by the sex scenes that you capture on camera - Be honest. :) 

Rachel Swallows (elenamicheals.core): Now that depends, some yes, because the person I am with in the pic is someone special to me and it might have been done whilst we were actually having sex hhehe, but mostly my pics are staged and posed, but the idea where they came from is probably from something i saw or read that i did find stimulating. 

Monique LeFry: ohhhhhh, so some of these photos ...  *flicks through Rachel's flickr feed* ... were ACTUAL sexual encounters? my my.... ok now I feel a bit like a voyeur. Sort of exciting. And not at all creepy.

Monique LeFry: If you could fuck one famous person, who would it be? Porn Star or Celebrity

Rachel Swallows (elenamicheals.core):  Hahahah and turn back the clock 30 yrs first I hope, I don't even know the names of any real pornstars, but as for celebs I fancy, lets see, don't laugh, David Beckham, Nicholas Cage, the guy that played the joker in the suicide squad, I don't know his name, but I have always found guys with big mouths sexy for some weird reason lol, Morgan from Criminal Minds, Hodge from criminal minds, god that voice, bet he would be an amazing Master lol. The list goes on and changes weekly haha. 

Monique LeFry: I said "one". But fine, those are all good choices. And that is Jared Leto, just in case you want to do a bit of ... ummm research. Not stalking, research.

Photo Courtesy of Rachel Swallow

Monique LeFry: It's been known that like real life.. some members of the porn community are stalked by "SL Fans". Have you experienced any of that? 

Rachel Swallows (elenamicheals.core): Chuckles, yes I have had my share of stalkers, I am English and too polite for my own good, so it usually takes a couple of months of being stalked before I snap and scream FOR FUCKS SAKE PISS OFF AND LEAVE ME ALONE, lol. I have a lot of fangirls which is kinda sweet, expect when your having sex at an adult sim and they run up to you and say in local 'OMG YOUR RACHEL SWALLOWS' hehe, that's happened a few times, more so when I still had Busted Magazine.

Monique LeFry: oh man, couple of months? Does that mean if I ever get stalked, being Canadian, I likely won't kill it for at least half a year? Damn.... But seriously, real life celebs deal with fans at dinner and the like. In SL, you get to deal with fans while fucking. Good times.

Photo Courtesy of Staff Photographer Dustin Pedroia

Monique LeFry: In your experience what advice would you give a new comer looking to enter the scene? 

Rachel Swallows (elenamicheals.core): Self Promotion!! Self Promotion!! Self Promotion!! No one is gonna do it for you, no matter what they might say, Start taking your own pics, learn and have fun with it and remember, it's a game, having fun is what matters. Oh and nobody likes a pouter or a whiner. 

Monique LeFry:  Absolutely agreed. Self promotion is the key for sure. Just, do it respectfully and in a non-annoying manner.

Monique LeFry: Any parting words, or hints perhaps, at exciting upcoming projects (more details the better..... for our readers, of course)?

Rachel Swallows (elenamicheals.core): I always have something going on in my head, whether it ever sees the light of day is another matter hehe, so nothing to report on that front. As for parting words 'Have fun, enjoy your SL and do not take yourself too seriously!'

Monday, October 24, 2016

Up Close & Personal: Zoey Winsmore-Reinoir- Oh Sooo Purrrrfect

Photo  Courtesy of Staff Photographer: Dusty Pedroia

Yes, she really is the one of THE Sexiest Lesbian Neko's I've seen out there. This Next DJ, Porn Star, Director, Producer and Photographer has been in the scene for well over 4 years and has already taken to producing quite the insatiable Lesbian porn I have seen. Her work says plenty considering i'm not a lesbian and have watched every single episode of her series. This interview was projected through the eyes of my staff interviewer Monique Lefry (She doesn't know this but i'm putting her on blast). Monique really went in with the questions and produced a Great interview. Sadly she didn't get to have a Banging Intermission- Lol  Monique sat down with Zoey Winsmore-Renoir and here's what she had to share.

Monique LeFry (rssen): What brought you to Second Life?

Zσᴇʏ Wɪɴѕмσʀᴇ-Rᴇɪɴσɪʀ: I saw a banner ad for SecondLife on another website I stumbled on many years ago and clicked that to find out what SecondLife was. That first time, I did not sign up. It was when I saw that banner again almost a half year later and decided to give it a try. At the start it was more for a few hours a day, it quickly grew cause SecondLife is pretty much addictive. But I had to learn everything myself, I wasn't that lucky that someone else would show up and help me as a newbie.

Monique LeFry (rssen): "Pretty much addictive". Oooo, that's a good one. Very nice understatement; particularly if you are reading this article, you know what Zoey means.

Monique LeFry (rssen): How long have you been in the "Porn Industry"?

Photo Courtesy of Staff Photographer Dusty Pedroia

Zσᴇʏ Wɪɴѕмσʀᴇ-Rᴇɪɴσɪʀ: I found out about the SecondLife Porn Industry first by finding a website called, Naughty Machinima. Mostly to check out those videos that were being posted on there and it got my interests. Then I did do my homework by reading more about this SecondLife Porn on blogs like SL Porn. Seeing there were also parties and while most regular clubs were pretty dead most of the time, I used the SecondLife search to see what would show up. It was the Porn*Stars Night Club that came up in the results and I decided to go take a look
there and see what really did happen at these parties. I was amazed to see many people. I got into the Porn Industry in 2012. The first six months were showing that it was not as easy as I thought. My career in Porn started in the Summer 2012, right closely after I decided to go learn it all myself as I thought that it was going to be the only way. Counting my actual start that was in February 2012, I am now almost five years in the Porn Industry.

Monique LeFry (rssen): Seems like quite the common theme for many people... "Great group! Hard to break out. Need to do my own stuff." And everyone is so glad that you did!

Monique LeFry (rssen): In addition to Porn, you are a prolific DJ, including the "house" DJ for the big Saturday Porn party. When did you get started DJ'ing?

Zσᴇʏ Wɪɴѕмσʀᴇ-Rᴇɪɴσɪʀ: Thank you!  Music was always part of my life and it was mostly a hobby playing around with a PC application I bought in real life visiting a sales event for books etc. I made short mix compilations of my favorite songs that I transferred to my mp3 player cause I love listening to music when travelling with the bus to my work. Family and friends loved what I did and they would ask me to play the mixes for birthday parties. In SecondLife, with some of my friends we had our own neko hangout and I rented a stream to let them hear what music I liked, it was a mixture of regular songs and my little mixes. When that ended, I took a break from DJing in SecondLife. But still made mixes mostly personally for myself. I got interests again when it was about a week before the New Year 2013 when I asked Emily if I could do the New Year's Eve party for her Porn*Stars Night Club. I made an hour mix with best songs of 2012 that I wanted to share before the DJ that was scheduled was going to take over and it was suppose to be just for a one time, I totally had no idea how it was going to be taken but everyone totally loved what I did. When Porn*Stars Night Club was going to do the Saturday parties again after having a break and no parties on Saturday. And seeing that people were asking in the group if there was a party, Emily decided to do them again and I became the weekend house DJ for the Saturday Pornstar parties. So I have been doing it again for 
about three years. Longer when counting that other DJing time prior before I got into the Porn Industry.

Monique LeFry (rssen): Oh the good ole days of MP3 players. 128 Songs! Hooray! But seriously, can I pencil you in for my birthday next year? I'll even throw in a Starbucks gift card.

Monique LeFry (rssen): What do you like most about being a DJ?

Zσᴇʏ Wɪɴѕмσʀᴇ-Rᴇɪɴσɪʀ: The most that I like about being a DJ is that it brings an awesome time for everyone while listening to a bunch of favorite songs mixed together. I do work and put a lot of time in to creating the mixes that can be several weeks of editing and cutting pieces out of songs and putting them together. I do love to broadcast them into SecondLife for everyone to hear. I know it is really something that it is not done much by other DJs and for the places I am DJing for, it is something pretty unique.

Monique LeFry (rssen): I had no idea just how much time and effort you put into bringing us all your own "spin" on the mixes. That is truly impressive! *Remembers to tip more at the next party*

Monique LeFry (rssen): Does DJ'ing provide any inspiration or creative direction to your movie production work?

Photo Courtesy of Zoey Winsmore-Reinoir

Zσᴇʏ Wɪɴѕмσʀᴇ-Rᴇɪɴσɪʀ: No, it doesn't because it is for me two separate hobbies. DJ'ing I have been doing much longer than movie production work. I did not do movies prior before getting into the SecondLife Porn Industry. That was a whole new learning experience that I got out of my SecondLife. Which is of course, an amazing thing to learn new things. Movie production work can be hopefully something I can extend to do in real life, but I don't own the equipment for doing that. It stays mostly also a hobby for now.

Monique LeFry (rssen): Oh? I am sure movie production equipment is real cheap and easy to come by... :-)

Monique LeFry (rssen): How important is the music for you in your productions?

Zσᴇʏ Wɪɴѕмσʀᴇ-Rᴇɪɴσɪʀ: Music has not really been important for my Movie productions for me, I did add songs for the audio part in my first few movies I created just so it did not have minutes of silence. My first couple movies were also for learning purposes, I planned out that I would stop using a song in a movie over time. Because I prefer to have the right audio material to cover a storyline I want and the sounds for the naughty sex scenes in my porn movie productions. Only thing would be counting as important, is that my audio cutting techniques are a helping factor to create that audio part to my liking for my current movie productions.

Monique LeFry (rssen):Where do you typically find inspiration for your productions?

Zσᴇʏ Wɪɴѕмσʀᴇ-Rᴇɪɴσɪʀ: I browse around on a few porn tube websites and some of my favorite websites that I have found. Sometimes I think out about something and go try to find on these kinds of websites to find audio pieces that I would need. One movie for sure I thought up about myself is my Halloween movie I did a couple years ago, it was just a big task to find the audio. It was from a bunch of short clips I found and edited that together to make it work for a themed movie. 

Monique LeFry (rssen): It really MUST be a hardship browsing around the internet, looking at porn for inspiration. :-)

Monique LeFry (rssen): Are there particular reasons for your focus on the Lesbian and Foot Fetish genres?

Zσᴇʏ Wɪɴѕмσʀᴇ-Rᴇɪɴσɪʀ: I think I like to do mostly the Lesbian genre as I started to feel that it interests me more. It has shown me over the years in the Porn Industry that it is more easier to work with our female Porn stars. I sure would work with male Porn stars too, I do not want to generalize on the men in the Porn Industry. It has been a general thing that I noticed when I worked together with Emily that we had to beg for men to show up at shoots. It was as if they did not have any interest if it didn't involve a sex scene for them. Foot Fetish is done much in real porn, only not so much in Secondlife Porn and I like that fetish. I know, not everyone would like it, which I totally do understand. But it is really not such a bad fetish, considering there is much worse stuff out there.

Monique LeFry (rssen): Yes some of the other fetishes I don't want be within 10 ... feet... of. Sigh, I am sorry. Very sorry indeed for that last line. However, it IS unfortunate to hear that it is sometimes hard to get good support from the males in the community. I have hopes that might flip with some of the newer blood we see in the groups these days.

Photo Courtesy of Zoey Winsmore-Renoir

Monique LeFry (rssen): How many film projects have you produced? Please include links to your top 3 favorite, if you can narrow it down to only 3, and describe why they are in your top 3.

Zσᴇʏ Wɪɴѕмσʀᴇ-Rᴇɪɴσɪʀ:  I have currently produced 25+ film projects so far.  I can surely narrow it down to just three and my top 3 would be:

1. The Business Of Women           

I love this series of six episodes because it is having an amazing story line about powerful women running a business, In my edited writing I am relating it to our Porn Industry. Two rival business women are part of the cast and I play one and it was just perfect sense to me to ask Emily for the role of the other business woman, as we both have our own production studio. It has a streak of dominance in it too, but not as the usual term with any real BDSM stuff because that doesn't really interests me. It has what I would call my style of dominance in it and I totally wanted to bring this series out in the SecondLife Porn version.

2. Halloween: The Haunted House 

This one is a favorite of mine because I loved the idea of playing a sex haunting ghost preying on innocent victims that would rent and stay in the house. I had to search for weeks to get enough audio material for making this, and I could experiment with some effects too. I watch paranormal shows a lot, and that was I think the inspirations for doing this for a Halloween movie.

3. Naughty Country Girls 1 

It is my favorite because it is by far the most viewed movie I ever done, if the statistics are correct. 
Hopefully I can do at least another in that title as I have some more but haven't gotten to it. The Business of Women series took up all my time and work.

Monique LeFry (rssen): Three truly outstanding pieces of work and excellent choices! If I do say so myself. XD

Photo Courtesy of Zoey Winsmore-Reinoir

Monique LeFry (rssen): How did you learn to take photos or make movies?

Zσᴇʏ Wɪɴѕмσʀᴇ-Rᴇɪɴσɪʀ: I did not really have to learn to take photos, I am also not really calling myself a pro with that cause there are others that are far more better than me with photos. But each has their own artistic ways. Movies I had to learn as I never did this before. I thank SecondLife for that, without, I probably would never have even started making movies. Both do combine because I do think that each can improve photography and making movies. With both, we do basically the same. Finding the right angle, building a set, etc. Learning about the applications, I did from watching many tutorials, then trying it out myself, and I use my own experiments to try make my movies better.

Monique LeFry (rssen): I can only imagine that YouTube played a part in your education. Oh YouTube, so much you have taught, so many. Plus silly animal videos are a good distraction.

Monique LeFry (rssen): How do you approach telling stories in your production? What devices do you use to communicate the story? (for example, voice acting, subtitles, etc)

Zσᴇʏ Wɪɴѕмσʀᴇ-Rᴇɪɴσɪʀ: In my first few movies, I mainly used typed subtitles to tell the story part of the movie, but I personally do not like it alot when I watch a movie that has subtitles on tv. I do turn that off when I watch a DVD. But that was the only option for me when I started. Later on, I decided using audio material that would cover and tell the story. 

Zσᴇʏ Wɪɴѕмσʀᴇ-Rᴇɪɴσɪʀ: I was once asked by a Porn star if she could do it over SL Voice. My answer was that I can't demand this from any other cast. Plus, for myself, this would take me much longer to get everything perfectly. Next to that, I have to say that I am not really interested in hearing their fake acted moaning over SL Voice. For my movies, there is no voice-acting, I use the audio from the material I have, editing that together, to communicate the story line and the naughty sex sounds.

Monique LeFry (rssen): I have to admit I snickered at "naughty sex sounds". :-) I can't imagine what it is like to (probably?) listen over and over to sex audio clips trying to place them into the scene etc. ;-)

Monique LeFry (rssen): Have you accomplished everything you have set out to do as a photographer/producer? 

If not, what else are you looking to achieve?

Photo Courtesy of Zoey Winsmore-Reinoir
Zσᴇʏ Wɪɴѕмσʀᴇ-Rᴇɪɴσɪʀ: I believe that I did accomplish everything, I am a Porn star, a Photographer and a Director/Producer. I have done all that I think is possible to do in the Porn Industry. Unless there is something I do not know about what else can be achieved.

Monique LeFry (rssen): We all hope that even if you have achieved goals, you do continue to try and push to even bigger and better productions! :-)

Monique LeFry (rssen): What major hurdle, if any, have you overcome to succeed? 

Zσᴇʏ Wɪɴѕмσʀᴇ-Rᴇɪɴσɪʀ:  Major hurdles, hmm I think this is a tough question that I almost have no idea how to answer. I maybe can think of one thing but that probably is something that is not really easy to overcome to succeed. So I probably will have to say, I don't know of any.

Monique LeFry (rssen): Hey, no one can argue with smooth sailing. Particularly not Christopher Cross....

First person that IMs me with identifying that reference gets.... Well, I will think of something good.

Monique LeFry (rssen): Describe a typical production from start to end, and how long each portion of the project takes, relatively speaking. 

Zσᴇʏ Wɪɴѕмσʀᴇ-Rᴇɪɴσɪʀ: For me, it starts with choosing what movie I really would like to do. Making important notes like the cast roles, the theme of the movie, how much of the material I would need to keep and what not, for myself on paper while I am reviewing the material I have for the project. This first step can take some time, it really varies a lot to give an accurate time frame.

The second step for me is going to think about who I like to cast for the roles available, contact the ones I need and talk about if someone is interested. I normally do not tell too much information, just the basics that is relevant at that time.

The third step I do is go build the sets that is going to be used for the filming of the scenes needed, this can take up to a couple days depending what is needed.The fourth step is getting things scheduled with the cast, I unfortunately do not do all the filming in one day but it is divided over a few days the most, as I do not want to do more than two or three hours of filming scenes that I need.

The last step is having everything filmed, so that the editing part of the movie can begin and this can 
take up to a week with a daily minimum of 4 hours editing work schedule for me. Editing the audio part takes the longest, as I have to try to keep the story intact for a SecondLife Porn movie that is reduced by 50% of the original material. And it all still to make sense in the end when releasing the finished movie for everyone to see. 

Monique LeFry (rssen): Oh is that all? XD Phew, I am exhausted just reading all that. Everyone, be sure to thank your friendly neighborhood porn director next time you see them for all the hard work they put in to telling great stories and making all our sorry butts look good.

Monique LeFry (rssen): If you had an opportunity to work with an SL Porn Star, who would it be (Please list as many folks as you like)? 

Photo Courtesy of Zoey Winsmore-Reinoir
Zσᴇʏ Wɪɴѕмσʀᴇ-Rᴇɪɴσɪʀ: 

Oh my, I think that I am very bad at answering this one because it is difficult to mention names, as it will be a lot. I already have worked with many over the years as well. I do at least want to work with some that have joined with my studio, I know it doesn't go as fast as everyone and I myself included, wishes. I will contact the Porn star if I want to have him/her in my productions.What I really also would like is to work together with another Director someday again, only have to see how to divide all that hard work that we as Directors do.

Monique LeFry (rssen): I am sure there is one or two directors reading this that will jump at that 
opportunity. *nudges Alexa to make sure she is reading this*

Monique LeFry (rssen): What is the most important attribute in a model/actress that makes you want to work with them again?

Zσᴇʏ Wɪɴѕмσʀᴇ-Rᴇɪɴσɪʀ: This really depends. It is not easy to say, as there are many factors for me to decide if I want to work with someone again.

Monique LeFry (rssen): Darn, I was hoping to get a juicy tip (snickers) and keep this one to myself. Fine, we will just go ahead and publish this question and answer then.

Monique LeFry (rssen): What have you learned being behind the scenes/camera as a photographer or Director ? 

What has that been like for you? 

Zσᴇʏ Wɪɴѕмσʀᴇ-Rᴇɪɴσɪʀ: I have learned alot being a Director. Learned to use a couple new applications like Fraps to film within SecondLife and Sony Vegas Pro to edit my movies together. My first few movies that I did was done simple with the build in movie editing application with Windows. But Sony Vegas Pro is really much better, for me at least.  I do still learn things, as I like to experiment what I can improve so it won't stop. Besides, I do like to learn new things.

Zσᴇʏ Wɪɴѕмσʀᴇ-Rᴇɪɴσɪʀ: It has been pretty amazing for me, something that I would like to do for some more years to come.

Monique LeFry (rssen): We are going to hold you to that now. Years more of Naughty Pixel Productions! oh baby...

Photo Courtesy of Zoey Winsmore-Reinoir

Monique LeFry (rssen): There is a sense that roles for models, and particularly actors are limited currently. Do you often use people you haven't before? What one thing would help a new model/actor break into your work? 

Zσᴇʏ Wɪɴѕмσʀᴇ-Rᴇɪɴσɪʀ: Yeah, it is I think because of not so much Producers vs the models/actors that makes roles pretty limited. Has pretty much been like that for the almost five years I am in the Porn Industry. I really am glad that it is slowly growing, I have seen a few taking their hands at being behind a camera. 

Zσᴇʏ Wɪɴѕмσʀᴇ-Rᴇɪɴσɪʀ: Not so much anymore as I first planned when starting up my own production studio. 

Negative messages towards me from a few I haven't used before made me change that plan. I have now become more aware that it is best to work with people that can be trustworthy with being available when needed. People that I know for a long time.

Zσᴇʏ Wɪɴѕмσʀᴇ-Rᴇɪɴσɪʀ: For any newcomer that wants to break into my productions, I can only advice that have to show up at parties,my times are basically around the time when there is a party. And if can't make it to a party, then also can't make it to any film shoot.

Monique LeFry (rssen): Well aspiring actors, can't be much more straightforward than that! Be available and be trustworthy. I for one am making sure I keep my calendar clear for the porn parties. Please don't mind it, Zoey, if I show up and wave my arms madly over the sea of people. Doesn't sound desperate at all!

Monique LeFry (rssen): The business in itself can be a bit cut-throat for some folks. How has your experience been in getting to know others in the industry? 

Zσᴇʏ Wɪɴѕмσʀᴇ-Rᴇɪɴσɪʀ: I have gotten to know many others in the Porn Industry over the years that I am active as most are pretty awesome to be around with. There were ups and downs, but luckily that has I think faded away for the most part.

Monique LeFry (rssen): More smooooth sailing! Damn, really can't shake that Mr. Cross, no matter how hard I try...

Monique LeFry (rssen): Do you feel like you constantly want to smack the $hit out of some of the people in the business or do you find you get along with most of them?

Zσᴇʏ Wɪɴѕмσʀᴇ-Rᴇɪɴσɪʀ: I do believe that I get along fine with most people in the business. I am not of the violent types, but yeah, I have had that feeling come up on occasion that I wanted to smack some. 

Monique LeFry (rssen): Not violent yet feeling the urge. Now THAT must be a REAL story. Maybe... another time. :-)

Monique LeFry (rssen): How long were you working before you felt comfortable behind  or in front of the camera?

Zσᴇʏ Wɪɴѕмσʀᴇ-Rᴇɪɴσɪʀ: I did start up my studio, Naughty Pixel Productions, on 8th June 2012. I also just started being a Porn star for Emily's Studio and starred in my first movie as Porn star in July 2012. It took almost three months before I felt comfortable behind the camera and creating my first test movie in late August 2012. All that time was spent making myself familiar with camera movements etc.

Monique LeFry (rssen):Are you stimulated by the sex scenes that you capture on camera - Be honest. :)

Zσᴇʏ Wɪɴѕмσʀᴇ-Rᴇɪɴσɪʀ: Well, I would be lying if I said no to this. Of course I can get stimulated by the sex scenes that I am capturing. Actually, It even happens when I am editing the movie together, having to hear all these sex sounds, the moans, etc. Then, sometimes a girl just has to take a break from editing. 

Monique LeFry (rssen): Here is where Alexa would probably have her "interlude" if she were the 
interviewer... sorry readers, I missed the opportunity. Bad Moni.

Zσᴇʏ Wɪɴѕмσʀᴇ-Rᴇɪɴσɪʀ: But sorry folks, I do not drop the work I am doing just to go satisfy myself when being stimulated. I am totally way too busy and focused with finding the angles I want from all the scenes I am filming and be done in a two to three hour shoot. So I really have no time to even make it as someone once said, doing all this as a role play.  Nope, I safe all that for a special person! Did I destroy people's 'wishful dreamy bubbles' now?

Monique LeFry (rssen): *pop*.....   *pop pop* goes the bubbles....

Monique LeFry (rssen): If you could fuck one famous person, who would it be? Porn Star or Celebrity
Zσᴇʏ Wɪɴѕмσʀᴇ-Rᴇɪɴσɪʀ: Aww, I have to narrow that choice all down to just one?  Hmm, okay then my choice would be, Riley Reid.  I think she looks pretty hot when she wears those sexy stockings in her porn vids.

Monique LeFry (rssen): It's been known that like real life.. some members of the porn community are stalked by "SL Fans". Have you experienced any of that? 

Zσᴇʏ Wɪɴѕмσʀᴇ-Rᴇɪɴσɪʀ: We all do get that usual, "Wow, Are you a Porn star?", message from "SL Fans" and they think that they can get laid with one. I just had a total different kind of stalker that I do not put in the good way list of SL Fan stalkers.

Monique LeFry (rssen): Senses that that is a story better left to another day. Perhaps over a good stiff.... drink. DRINK, people...

Photo Courtesy of Staff Photographer Dusty Pedroia

Monique LeFry (rssen): In your experience what advice would you give a new comer looking to enter the scene? 

Zσᴇʏ Wɪɴѕмσʀᴇ-Rᴇɪɴσɪʀ: When a newcomer is looking to enter the Porn Industry, I would advice to do some homework like I did when I got into the scene. It helps a lot to understand how many do all this. Be patient too. I have been treated bad with getting messages from people because things did not go fast enough for them. Attend the parties, they are there to meet up and get yourself seen.

Get to know the people that do all the hard work with Photography and Movie productions. Be fun to work with, no one really wants two or more hours of any kind of bad time. And most importantly, be ready to make your avatar up to date. It does include investing in Mesh bodies, head, hands and feet. Otherwise, sorry but I think this scene is not for you.

Monique LeFry (rssen): Anyone that comes into porn thinking that it is easy or cheap is sadly mistaken. Investment, be it lindens and time, and attention to detail, are soooooo important. And there really is so much to be said for a good attitude in general and being fun to work with. God knows why people put up with me.

Monique LeFry (rssen): Any parting words, or hints perhaps, at exciting upcoming projects (more details the better..... for our readers, of course)?

Zσᴇʏ Wɪɴѕмσʀᴇ-Rᴇɪɴσɪʀ: Yes, I want to finish The Business Of Women series before the end of this year. In case this goes live, Episode 5 will be coming out soon in November. It is a bit long overdue since Episode 4 was released. But it has not cancelled and I plan to finish this series. New exciting upcoming projects will be in 2017. Because of the upcoming big holidays, I don't think it will be easy for this year to do anything new. I do plan on not doing a series next year, and only release more single kinds of movies.

Monique LeFry (rssen): Awesome!! Really look forward to the conclusion to the series! Congratulations on the latest installment being released soon. Thanks again for taking the time to speak with us!

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Up Close & Personal: Ryu Quassimodo: Eye Candy

This next Sexy model/photographer and film dabbler is the partner of that HOT DJ that provides us with lots of sexy tunes, licks and luvin Moonie Quasimodo. Ryu Quasimodo has been in the scene for a little over two years now. Ryu has done work with some of the Veteran and still current Directors out in the porn community. I sat down with Ryu for a one on one interview. Here's what he had to share.

Photo Courtesy of Staff Photographer: Rachel Avro

Alexandria Topaz: What brought you to Second Life?

Ryu Quasimodo: Rl divorce, I was in need of a an escape at the time, it was the best thing i could have done.

Alexandria Topaz:  How Long Have you Been in the "Porn Industry"?

Ryu Quasimodo:: I believe just over 2 years now.

Alexandria Topaz: How did you get started in Porn?

Photo Courtesy of Staff Photographer: Rachel Avro

 Ryu Quasimodo: Moonie got me started, she was the first to ever take a picture of my

Alexandria Topaz: So what you're saying is the Cock made you famous huh? :)

Alexandria Topaz: How many film projects have you been a part of, be it as an extra, featured or Starring role? (please list  Film/Director/Role. I like to give due credits where appropriate.)

Ryu Quasimodo: Not as many as i like but that's what helped get me making my own, here is the list.

Santa picks up a stripper - Directed and Produced by Erin Cedarbridge - Lead

Tatooine - Directed by Serenity Babe AKA Serenity Kristan Faulds- Side

In Lust - Directed and produced by Meg Corral - Side Role

Fatal Attraction - Directed and produced by Meg Corral - Lead

Staford Sluts - Directed and Produced by Erin Cedarbridge - Side role

Moonie and Ryu’s Leaked Home Video S1E1 - Produced by me, Ryu Quasimodo - Lead

Photo Courtesy Ryu Quasimodo

Alexandria Topaz: What are your favorite pieces of work that you were in (photos/videos, list up to 3, include links if available)?

Ryu Quasimodo:

Tatooine - encounter_on_tatooine
My favorite pic
This is also a favorite done by Moonie   -

Alexandria Topaz: What major hurdle, if any, have you overcome to succeed?

Ryu Quasimodo: :I'm not sure i have been successful as of yet but learning film making would definitely be my hurdle, I'm really excited about that.

Alexandria Topaz: How far would you like to take your Porn Star Career on SL?

Ryu Quasimodo: I hope to retire as a well respected Producer, one that everyone wants to be a part of my so i have a long ways  to go for sure.

Alexandria Topaz: I'll ask now. Can I be in your film? lol

Photo Courtesy of Ryu Quasimodo

Alexandria Topaz: If you had an opportunity to work with a photographer or producer who would it be?

Ryu Quasimodo:  Tatiana Easterwood, I would love to do a pic with her, she is very talented and i love her work.

Alexandria Topaz:  Yes she indeed has quite the creative eye. :)

Alexandria Topaz: What have you learned being behind the scenes as a model/actress? What has that been like for you?

Ryu Quasimodo: I have learned its nothing like what i thought it would be when i first started, I learned how to have fun during a shoot by flirting and and teasing but when i first started i thought everyone must always be having sex, thats just not the case.

Alexandria Topaz:  I know if it were only that easy. Unfortunately some of the work is left up to us.

Alexandria Topaz: Some roles can be scarce due to the lack of Directors at this time. What do you do while you wait for the next role?

Ryu Quasimodo: I make my own pics, come up with Movie idea or work on movies, and sometimes i just like to enjoy the break from porn.

Alexandria Topaz:  A Guy Tired of Porn? lol.. Joking.

Photo Courtesy of Ryu Quasimodo

Alexandria Topaz: Are you an active flicker fan? If so please list your link

Ryu Quasimodo: Yes very much so

Alexandria Topaz:The business in itself can be a bit cut-throat for some folks. How has your experience been in getting to know others in the industry?

Ryu Quasimodo: I have had no problems getting to know others, i have made a lot of friends and most people seem to like me just fine, and i'm not one to worry about the ones that don' Over all its been a great experience.

Alexandria Topaz:  Neither do I but yes still with the funny, witty adventurous respectable folks. The rest can go in the trash.

Alexandria Topaz: Do you feel like you constantly wanna smack the shit out of some of the actors/actresses in the business or do you find you get along with most of them?

Ryu Quasimodo:  as i said I feel i get along with most just fine, but there are a special few that need a good smacking for

Alexandria Topaz:  Hmm that's Hot!!! want to spank, smack, tap this? Lol

Photo Courtesy of Staff Photographer: Rachel Avro

Alexandria Topaz: How long were you working before you felt comfortable in front of the camera?

Ryu Quasimodo: It took a while, before porn i was the kind that wouldn't even walk around my own sim naked unless it was a party, at least a few months and even still i can get a bit shy if i think about it.

Alexandria Topaz:  Lol Too Cute!!!

Alexandria Topaz: Are you stimulated by some of the sex with your co-stars - Be honest. :)

Ryu Quasimodo: Absolutely, I am human after all and all the naughty things i want to do during a shoot i bottle up and save it for later my baby.

Alexandria Topaz:  Ditto if it stimulates me safe it for my second half. smiles.

Alexandria Topaz: If you could fuck one famous person, who would it be? Porn Star or Celebrity

Ryu Quasimodo: Well in SL there are a lot of stars i would love to have a roll in the hay but as for rl Lizzy Hale, that girl is just amazing!

Alexandria Topaz:  Hmm we going to have to sit down and find out who those folks are..

Alexandria Topaz: What role would you not take part in if offered ?

Ryu Quasimodo: I was offered a sub role i had to turn down, as a strong male i just wont do anything like that, no gay shoots either.

Alexandria Topaz:  It's a good thing to stick to your preferences. I do the same.

Alexandria Topaz: Do you have to make pre-sex small talk on set and if so are you comfortable with it?

Ryu Quasimodo: I don\t have to but i prefer to, it loosens everyone up for the shoot and intimacy of the scene, and yes i\m very comfortable with it.

Photo Courtesy of Ryu Quasimodo

Alexandria Topaz: Have you ever been involved in any super weird niche Porn?

Ryu Quasimodo: No nothing i would consider to weird, or maybe i'm just weirder then

Alexandria Topaz: It's been known that like real life.. some Porn Actors/Actresses are stalked by "Sl Fans". Have you experienced any of that?

Ryu Quasimodo: Yes, nothing harmful or anything but definitely can tell when someone likes you just a little toO much sometimes ya

Alexandria Topaz:  Actually I wanted you to take part in this interview because I've been following you for so long  and was desiring to have you ^&*()


Alexandria Topaz: Ok Next question.. lol

Photo Courtesy of Staff Photographer: Rachel Avro

Alexandria Topaz: In your experience, what advice would you give a new comer looking to enter the scene?

Ryu Quasimodo: Keep your Av up to date, go to parties often and creating a Flickr account is a must! learn to take your own pics it really helps with the down time. Have fun with it all, be open and playful and your sure to have a great experience.

Alexandria Topaz:Any parting words for our readers?

Ryu Quasimodo: Just this...Keep doing what you all are doing, this community is amazing and its all of you keeping it that way, I look forward to working with you all!

Alexandria Topaz:   Thank you for your time Ryu. See ya on the Dance Floor Or Behind the camera lens.

Up Close & Personal: MÖÕηiє ҨuαѕiмღÐღ (deka.teardrop): The Sexy DJ

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